Universal Entertainment


Privacy Policy

Universal Entertainment Corporation (hereinafter called "the Company". For information on the Company's location and representatives, please see the "Corporate Profile" at https://www.universal-777.com/en/company/ .) collects, uses, and manages personal information which can identify a particular individual or which can be easily matched with other information and can accordingly identify a particular individual as well as such other information as set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter called the "Personal Information Protection Law") (such personal information shall be hereinafter called "Personal Information," and other terms in this Privacy Policy are used in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law). The Company regards it as its social duty to abide by the laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law, to protect Personal Information, and to respect an individual's intention when handling Personal Information, and the Company carries out the following measures.

Please also note that, in certain applications and web services provided by the Company, users' information may be acquired by third parties in such manner that individuals cannot be identified. For details of such acquisition, please see "Acquisition of Information by Using Services Provided by Third Parties" described at the end of this Privacy Policy.

1. Protection of Personal Information and Security Control Measures

  1. The Company will abide by the laws and regulations, such as the Personal Information Protection Law.
  2. The Company will appoint a supervisor of Personal Information Management, and enforce the protection, management, and strict control of Personal Information. Also, the Company will appoint a supervisor of the Personal Information Audit, enforce the audit on Personal Information protection, and improve the internal system and its management. In case the Company provides subcontractor(s) with Personal Data (which refers to Personal Information constituting a "Personal Information Database, etc." as prescribed in Article 16, Paragraph 1, of the Personal Information Protection Law) within the scope of Personal Information uses, the Company shall execute an agreement with the subcontractor(s) on the maintenance of confidentiality and Personal Information, prohibit any other usage than the ones described in this policy, supervise such contractors, and require them to take security control measures, if necessary.
  3. The Company will implement the internal rules, including the one regarding Personal Information, and then clarify and instruct its employees regarding the guidelines of Personal Information protection through education and training, among other measures.
  4. The Company clearly recognizes the management risks, such as unauthorized access, leakage, loss and corruption of Personal Data held by the Company, and shall take any necessary organizational, personnel, physical and technological security control measures.
  5. The Company is continuously improving this Privacy Policy, its internal rules regarding Personal Data protection and its management in accordance with the amendments in laws and regulations, changes in social situations, and audit results.
  6. For details on the security control measures the Company has taken for Personal Information, please contact us using the form provided in "5 Contact for Inquiries and Complaints Relating to Personal Information".

2. Handling of Personal Data

1) Personal Information to be collected

The Company may obtain Personal Information, such as names, addresses, birth dates, telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, e-mail addresses, age, gender, occupation, family makeup, hobbies, credit card numbers, SNS authentication information (IDs for X, LINE, etc.), game records and security camera images.

2) Purposes of use of Personal Information collected

OOnce Personal Information is collected it will be used for the following purposes:

  1. For providing the Company's products and services
  2. For managing game records and providing other services on mobile and PC applications provided by the Company, and disclosing and providing nicknames, IDs, game records, etc. to third parties
  3. For ensuring the security of the Company's products and services and preventing unauthorized use of the Company's products and services
  4. For the postal, facsimile and e-mail transmission to customers of information regarding the Company's products, services and campaigns
  5. For requests for comments from customers on the Company's products and services
  6. For user demand surveys and marketing activities for the Company's products and services
  7. For satisfaction level surveys, improvement and development of the Company's products and services
  8. For responding to inquiries
  9. For the delivery of products purchased and giveaway merchandise
  10. For the delivery of complimentary items in return for cooperation on the research, etc.
  11. For the delivery and confirmation of e-mail services

In addition, we may acquire information related to you (website browsing history, product purchase history, service usage history, OS and other device information, cookie IDs, advertising identifiers, IP addresses, and other online identifiers) from ad-related companies such as ad-serving companies, affiliate companies and DMP companies and other third parties, and the acquired information may be linked to the customer's Personal Data already in the possession of the Company and used for the purposes of use specified in this item.

3) Use of Cookies

The Company's website uses cookies to acquire information and handles it for the following purposes of use.

  1. For utilizing statistically analyzed information for the convenience and improvement of the website
  2. For delivering advertisements optimized for your interests on our website, including the websites of other companies
  3. For sending e-mail newsletters and product recommendations optimized for your interests
  4. For sharing information with third parties to the extent necessary for the above items 1 through 3 above
4) Transfers to a third party

Except for the uses below, the Company will not transfer Personal Data to a third party without prior consent from the relevant individual. As for Personal Information which does not fall under the category of Personal Data, the Company will make its best efforts to handle it in the same way as it handles Personal Data.

  1. When disclosure or provision is required by laws or regulations
  2. When disclosure is required to protect human life, health or property where obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
  3. When disclosure is required to improve public health or promote sound upbringing of children where obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
  4. When disclosure is required to cooperate with the public affairs of national or local government, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to hinder the administration of such public affairs
  5. When the opt-out policy based on the Personal Information Protection Law is in effect

Notwithstanding the above, the Company may provide Personal Data to third parties in the following cases:

  1. When disclosed or provided to other users in accordance with the contents or specifications of the services or functions provided to users of the Company's services; or
  2. When providing Personal Data to a third party that provides services related to or linked with the Company's services.
5) Delegation

To the extent necessary in order to achieve the purposes of use in 2) above, the Company may delegate to a third party in Japan all or part of the handling of Personal Information. In such event, the Company shall select a contractor who is deemed to handle Personal Information properly, properly stipulate matters concerning the handling of Personal Information in the consignment contract, and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over such contractors.

6) Data sharing

The Company shares the Personal Data described as below among its group businesses (hereinafter called the "Our Group") in Japan.

  1. Personal Data items to be shared are:
    name, address, birth date, telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address, age, gender, occupation, family makeup, hobbies and all Personal Data of the customer obtained by the Company.
  2. Scope of shared users is:
    Each company of Our Group.
    Please click here for details of Our Group.
  3. Shared information may be used by the party sharing such information for the following purposes:
    1. For providing products and services
    2. For ensuring the security of products and services and preventing unauthorized use of products and services
    3. For the postal, facsimile and e-mail transmission to customers of information regarding the products, services and campaigns
    4. For requests for comments from customers on the products and services
    5. For user demand surveys and marketing activities for the products and services
    6. For satisfaction level surveys, improvement and development of the products and services
    7. For responding to inquiries
    8. For the delivery of products purchased and giveaway merchandise
    9. For the delivery of complimentary items in return for cooperation on the research, etc.
    10. For the delivery and confirmation of e-mail services
  4. Party responsible for management of Personal Data so shared is the Company (For information on the Company's location and representatives, please see the "Corporate Profile" at https://www.universal-777.com/en/company/ .).

3. Linked Web Sites

The web sites operated or managed by the Company may contain links to third party web sites; however, the Company is not involved in the operation or management of such linked web sites. Accordingly, please acknowledge in advance that the Company takes no responsibility for the handling of Personal Information on such web sites.

4. Disclosure, etc., of Personal Data

1) Procedures for disclosure and other requests
  1. Disclosure
    Any request by an individual for disclosure of his/her Personal Data held by the Company or disclosure of records on provision of Personal Data to third parties will be handled within a reasonable timeframe after such request is determined to be authentic to the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law.
  2. Correction, deletion, and other requests
    Any request by an individual for correction, addition or deletion of his/her Personal Data held by the Company will be handled within a reasonable timeframe after such request is determined to be authentic. If his/her Personal Data held by the Company does not match the facts as such request points out, the requested correction, addition or deletion may be made within a reasonable scope to the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law.
  3. Discontinuance, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties
    Any request by an individual for discontinuance, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties, of such individual's Personal Data held by the Company will be handled within a reasonable timeframe after such request is determined to be authentic to the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law. However, we remind you that such requests may impede the provision of services despite our best intentions.
2) Contact for requests

Requests for disclosure of Personal Data held by the Company and inquiries regarding Personal Information should be directed to the e-mail address of private@universal-777.com. After such request is determined to be authentic, the Company will respond to your request by the method you have requested, which is either by providing an electromagnetic record or by delivering a written document. The Company may not be able to accommodate the requests made in any way other than through this e-mail address. Depending on the types of requests, completing application forms prescribed by the Company might be required.

[Identity Verification]
The Company will verify your identity by checking your driver's license, passport, health insurance card, seal registration certificate, or other identification documents, and by checking your name, address, telephone number, and other information registered with us.
If the application is made by a proxy, we will confirm the identity of the proxy by verifying a letter of attorney and certificate of seal impression of the seal stamped on the letter of attorney, as well as by calling the person in question.

If you are using the Company's website, we will confirm your identity based on the above materials and other necessary information sent from you by e-mail. In the case of a proxy, confirmation will be made by telephone or other means to the person in question.

For requests for disclosure of Personal Data the business holds or disclosure of records on provision of Personal Data to third parties, a fee determined by the Company must be paid in cash. However, if the request is handled by mail, the fee must be paid by a fixed-amount money order or other method designated by the Company.

5. Contact for Inquiries and Complaints Relating to Personal Information

For any inquiry or complaint relating to the handling of Personal Information under this Privacy Policy, please contact us by using the form for "Other Inquiries" below.

Inquiry form is here: https://uct.universal-777.com/m/contact-en

6. Application

This Privacy Policy applies to all of the Company's handling of customer's information, which is governed by the Personal Information Protection Law.

Acquisition of Information pertaining to the Use of Services Provided by Third Parties

1. Advertising Distribution Service

In some of the applications the Company distributes, third parties automatically retrieve the information of the application users for the purpose of delivering advertisements. However, information collected through such applications is limited to information that cannot be used to identify individuals, and personal information is not acquired by a third party without the consent of the application user. For details concerning the processing of information collected by the services, please refer to the following links.

1) Ad Generation (provided by Supership Inc.)
  • Privacy Policy: https://supership.jp/privacy/
  • Opt-out: https://supership.jp/optout/
  • Items collected: Ad identifiers, IP addresses, OS version, device information, country information, language information, carrier information
  • Main purposes of use: To deliver advertisements suitable for users, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements, and to centrally manage advertisements.
  • Target application: "Unimemo"

2. Marketing Analysis and Quality Improvement of Services

In some of the applications the Company distributes, third parties automatically retrieve the information of the application users for the purpose of collecting and analyzing data on the application users. However, information collected through such applications is limited to information that cannot be used to identify individuals, and personal information is not acquired by a third party without the consent of the application user. For details concerning the processing of information collected by the services, please refer to the following links.

1) Google Analytics for Firebase (provided by Google LLC)
2) AppsFlyer (provided by AppsFlyer Ltd.)
  • Privacy Policy: https://www.appsflyer.com/legal/service-privacy-policy/
  • Opt-out: https://www.appsflyer.com/legal/opt-out/
  • Items collected: Usage history including information on the startup of the application and response history to advertisements for the application, by customers who used the application using the advertising identifier
  • Main purposes of use: To deliver advertisements suitable for users and to measure the effectiveness of advertisements
  • Target application: "Univa Kingdom"

3. Google Analytics

Some of the services the Company provides on its websites use Google Analytics (provided by Google LLC) for the purpose of collecting and analyzing data about service users. However, information collected through the use of such services is limited to information that cannot be used to identify individuals, and information that can identify individuals is not acquired by a third party without the consent of the service user. For details concerning the processing of information collected by the service, please refer to the following links.